Tainted food alert

Melamine may be in US food supply

Take this seriously and pass it along

In China, ANYTHING made with Chinese-manufactured milk powder before September 14th was PULLED from their store shelves.

In the US, this garbage is still being sold!

Foods at risk: ANY food manufactured in China and potentially any food containing milk powder. US food manufacturers imported millions of pounds of milk powder from China before September 14th. The FDA continues to allow to be sold.

This includes chocolate, cookies, cakes, and even things like packaged macaroni and cheese.


Mike Mozart is a product designer who also runs a video blog about new developments in the toy industry.

His reviews are normally light, cheerful affairs and completely apolitical.

If he appears distraught, it’s because he is. This is serious.

Mozart has discovered that the US is the ONLY country that still permits potentially melamine-contaminated food on its shelves. Even China has removed these products from its stores.

That’s right. This poison that killed and injured thousands of people, mainly children, may be in US food. We’re the only country that hasn’t pulled it from its shelves.

Here’s what you need to know

1. Melamine was added to food products manufactured in China to simulate protein content. These food products were imported into the US by the ton.

2. Melamine itself is bad, but much worse – and not reported – is that melamine is an industrial product, not a food product and often comes contaminated with a wide range of dangerous industrial toxins.

There is no such thing as food grade melamine. None of it is suitable for food.

3. The widespread practice of adding melamine to powdered milk products has killed and seriously injured thousands of children in China.

Melamine injuries children by damaging their kidneys. There has already been a reported spike in kidney stones in American children.

Last year, when melamine was found in pet food sold in the US and traced to death in animals, it was headline news.

This news, potentially far more serious, is being censored.

4. The Chinese government knew this contaminated food was on the shelves killing children and said nothing so as not to put a damper on the “Olympic spirit.”

5. As much 20 MILLION POUNDS of food manufactured in China that contains milk powder was imported into the US this year. Also, it’s not clear how many US food manufacturers use milk powder manufactured in China in their products.

6. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) refuses to test for melamine contamination – or it is has, refuses to make the results of these tests available to the public.

Further, the FDA refuses to force food manufacturers to remove the contaminated food from its shelves, something they are completely capable of doing.

7. Why is this being done?

Mozart theorizes: a) to prevent a scandal before the election and b) to avoid further deterioration of the US stock market.

Are these motivations plausible?

Long-time Brasscheck TV viewers know that the FDA has demonstrated over and over again throughout its history that it is a political agency designed to protect well connected law breakers and has next-to-zero interest in the public welfare.

AVOID all food products manufactured in China and any product that contains milk powder that does not disclose its source. (Egg powder is also being identified as a potential source of this contamination.)

The direct YouTube link for this video is:

Please share this information with friends, family members and colleagues so they can make an informed decision about what they eat.

Knowing the parties involved – China, the FDA, the Bush administration, the US news media, and corporate America – you can be sure that none of them can be trusted to look out for your welfare.

Why this is so diabolical

Here are the indisuputable facts of this case:

1. Chinese manufacturers are known to have added melamine to powdered milk products including baby food.

2. Melamine is not a permitted food additive in any country. It is an industrial product and is often contaminated with other toxins.

It damages the kidneys and is particularly dangerous, even fatal, to small children and infants.

3. Every other country on earth – including China – has removed all products made with Chinese-manufactured milk powder from their stores.

4. The FDA and the Bush Administration has made the US the only country on earth to have opted to leave these potentially tainted products on store shelves.

5. The FDA and the Bush administration knows that millions of pounds of Chinese-manufactured milk powder was imported into the US in the last twelve months.

6. It knows exactly what companies imported this material and the food manufacturers that used it know exactly what batches of their products this material is in.

7. The FDA and the Bush Administration further knows that:

a) injury and death associated with consumption of products containing melamine will not take place immediately (except perhaps in the case of infants) and

b) it will be practically impossible for sufferers of this tainted food to attribute their injuries to specific products since weeks, months or even years might pass between ingestion and symptoms.

Summary: By leaving these food products on store shelves, the FDA and the Bush Administration know exactly the risk of harm to US consumers and are hoping because of the nature of the poisoning that they will be able get away with it and thus avoid the political consequences of a recall.

~ by DarkLight on October 29, 2008.

2 Responses to “Tainted food alert”

  1. Does this mean that the vegans win?

  2. ok, one for the vegans! lol

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